Regional resources: Crossroads

Serving Amelia, Buckingham, Cumberland, Charlotte, Lunenburg, Nottoway, and Prince Edward County.

24/hr Emergency Services 800-548-1688 

For an overview of services available at Crossroads CSB, please click hereopens PDF file for a copy of our brochure or visit our website at

Crossroads Prevention Services provides behavioral wellness and suicide prevention trainings to community members and other agency staff members free of charge. For a complete list of upcoming trainings please contact our Prevention Coordinator, Kathy Reed at [email protected]create new email or call our office at (434) 392-9461.

Rooted in Positivity Campaign


PAPSA Coalition will be focusing on positive messaging during the month of January to bring light and inspiration during a time in which there is often high rates of Seasonal Depression, excessive stress and anxiety due to the holiday season, and the current state of the Nation from external factors such as politics, COVID-19, and Virtual learning.  Although there will be an emphasis on positive messaging we will not diminish nor minimize the feelings or complex reality that many face. Our goal is to provide inspiration, education, and motivation for all.

The foundation of the campaign is the “tree” which takes on multiple different aspects that can be related to life and the obstacles we face, but how we can continue to grow.



The goals of the campaign are to deliver the following through positive messaging:

  To Educate the community on the many diverse aspects of mental health and the resources available in the community via the BeWellVA Website.                                                                    

To Raise Awareness about the stigma that surrounds mental health.

To Encourage community members to create healthy routines, connect with others, and find the positive despite the current struggles we all face.

To Understand, that it is ok not to feel ok but to keep growing and evolving sometimes we need to reach out for help.




1) Interested in displaying one of our yard signs? Email us at [email protected]create new email to get your FREE sign! See below for pictures of each one of our designs.

2) Social Media Engagement    Follow us on our Facebook Page (PAPSA-Piedmont Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse). Please feel free to share our posts, create your own hashtag but also include #PAPSARootedInPositivity 

3) Get involved. Be creative. Implement #PAPSARootedInPositivity into your everyday work this month. Need a topic for a newsletter? Reading books to children? Find ways to connect your organization with educating the community about positive messaging.

4) Spot it; take of a shot of it! If you see one of our positive yard signs, take a picture and tag us using our hashtag #PAPSARootedInPositivity

5) Send positive notes or words of encouragement to those around you!

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid- Just as CPR helps you assist an individual having a heart attack — even if you have no clinical training — Mental Health First Aid helps you assist someone experiencing a mental health related crisis. In the Mental Health First Aid course, you learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies for how to help someone in both crisis and non-crisis situations, and where to turn for help.



safeTalk – is a half-day alertness training that prepares anyone over the age of 15, regardless of prior experience or training, to become a suicide-alert helper. Most people with thoughts of suicide don’t truly want to die, but are struggling with the pain in their lives. Through their words and actions, they invite help to stay alive. safeTALK-trained helpers can recognize these invitations and take action by connecting them with life-saving intervention resources, such as caregivers trained in ASIST.

Lock and Talk

Lock & Talk – Suicide Prevention Program to reduce easy access to dangerous substances at home. That includes:

  • Firearms – Because firearms are the most lethal among suicide methods, it is particularly important that you remove them until things improve at home, or, second best, lock them very securely.
  • Medications – Don’t keep lethal doses at home. Your doctor, pharmacist, or the poison control center (1-800-222-1222) may be able to help you determine safe quantities for the medicines you need to keep on hand. Be particularly aware of keeping prescription painkillers (such as oxycodone and methadone) under lock and key both because of their lethality and their potential for abuse.
  • Alcohol – Alcohol can both increase the chance that a person makes an unwise choice, like attempting suicide, and increase the lethality of a drug overdose. Keep only small quantities at home.


Crossroads CSB prevention can provide gun safety locks, Drug Deactivating kits, Timer Caps, and Rx drug lock boxes for family members, friends, or loved ones of those who are at risk of suicide. Please contact one of our prevention specialist to learn how you can get any of the above items.


Lock Your Meds – campaign to reduce prescription drug abuse by making adults aware that they are the “unwitting suppliers” of prescription medications being used in unintended ways, especially by young people.  We provide Rx Lock Boxes or Pouches to safely secure substances of abuse as well as Drug Deactivation Kits for proper and safe drug disposal. We also have Rx Drug Timer Caps that help provide better safety, more vigilance, and greater adherence to taking prescription medication as prescribed.

PAPSA logo
Piedmont Alliance for the Prevention of Substance Abuse – local community coalition working to keep our communities safe and free from substance abuse.  All community members and partners are encouraged to participate in these efforts. Substance Abuse Resource Guideopens PDF file  – A local community resource guide for substance abuse and mental health wellness services.

Revive Training. REVIVE! is the Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Education (OONE) program for the Commonwealth of Virginia. REVIVE! provides training to professionals, stakeholders, community members, families, and others on how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of naloxone (Narcan ®). Lay Rescuer trainings are between 1-1.5 hours long. This training covers understanding opioids, how opioid overdoses happen, risk factor for opioid overdoses, and how to respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of Naloxone. Crossroads CSB Prevention Services is currently offering the REVIVE! trainings free of charge to community members who reside in counties of Amelia, Buckingham, Cumberland, Charlotte, Lunenburg, Nottoway, and Prince Edward. Crossroads CSB Prevention Services also has an agreement with the local health department who will provide Narcan (while supplies last) to all eligible community members who complete the REVIVE training at the end of the training event. For a list of upcoming REVIVE trainings in your area, please email [email protected]create new email

Adverse Childhood Experiences

What are adverse childhood experiences? Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (0-17 years). For example:
  • experiencing violence, abuse, or neglect
  • witnessing violence in the home or community
  • having a family member attempt or die by suicide
Also included are aspects of the child’s environment that can undermine their sense of safety, stability, and bonding such as growing up in a household with:
  • substance misuse
  • mental health problems
  • instability due to parental separation or household members being in jail or prison
ACEs are linked to chronic health problems, mental illness, and substance misuse in adulthood. ACEs can also negatively impact education and job opportunities. However, ACEs can be prevented.

The video above illustrates how a child’s brain develops through early experiences. This is a good overall view on brain development for children, the ideals and where it can go wrong with exposure to the toxic stress experienced during early trauma.

To learn more about Adverse Childhood Experience or to find a training near you please contact our office at 434-392-9461 or email [email protected]create new email

Emergency Services (24 hrs 365 days) 1-800-548-1688

Referral/Intake Services 1-866-307-0370
(all clinics during business hours & Farmville location for after hours)

Amelia Clinic

 (804) 561-5057, 561-6136

Post Office Box 293
FAX (804) 561-2294

9101 Washington Street
Amelia, VA 23002-0293

Charlotte Clinic

(434) 542-5187

Post Office Box 340
FAX (434) 542-5879

410 Thomas Jefferson Highway
Charlotte Court House, VA 23923-0340

Farmville Clinic/Clinic Director

(434) 392-3187, 392-3180

Post Office Drawer 248
FAX (434) 391-1238

214 Bush River Drive
Farmville, VA 23901-0248

Medical Services

(434) 392-6455, 392-1467

Post Office Drawer 248
FAX (434) 392-5789

161 Bush River Drive
Farmville, VA 23901-0248

Prevention Services

(434) 392-9461, 392-3938

Post Office Drawer 248
FAX (434) 315-0072

216 Bush River Drive
Farmville, VA 23901-0248

Lunenburg Clinic

(434) 696-3747, 696-1623

Post Office Box 40
FAX (434) 696-1753

11387 Courthouse Road
Lunenburg, VA 23952